Tennis Serve Lesson – Stop Squatting On Your Serve

Think you’ve perfected your tennis serve? There’s a really good chance that you’re squatting too much on your serve. You may not even know that you’re doing it incorrectly. Bending your knees and exploding up to the ball is a great thing to do on the serve. Players at...

Tennis Serve Lesson: Hit Up On The Ball

Hitting Up On The Serve Here’s a great tennis serve lesson  concept that will make a huge difference with if you are in the habit of swinging forward. If you watch pro tennis players hit serves, they swing up at the ball, but there is a good chance you might be...

Tennis Serve Tip | Elbow The Enemy

  “Elbow The Enemy” Today I want to help you with your serve. Specifically, how you can get your elbow into the correct trophy position. You might not know where your elbow is suppose to be in relation to your body, and there is a very good chance...