TENNIS SERVE TIP | The Trophy Position Hold Drill
The tennis trophy position is one of the most important elements to transform your serve.
There are so many rec players that want to improve their serves, but they don’t realize that their trophy position is wrong. Hence, it’s key that you practice different serve drills to master it.
In this article, you’ll discover a great drill to develop a solid trophy position and a perfect tennis serve. In fact, it won’t require you to hit any balls since it mainly focuses on body awareness.
Now, let me get into the nuances of this fantastic tennis trophy position drill.
Trophy Position Hold Drill

To start off, ensure that you have a continental grip, your racquet face is closed and your elbow is in the right spot. Once you find this position, hold it for 30 seconds and repeat three to five times. I believe that tennis is all about position and learning how to get into the right ones to hit your best shot.
Holding the trophy position for time will help your body learn the correct position to be in before swinging up to the ball. This feeling of getting into a biomechanically efficient tennis trophy position is easier to find when you don’t have to think about hitting the ball.
The reality is that getting into the correct trophy position is a powerful serve tip that can transform your serve. Therefore, consider practicing it regularly and stop hitting serve after serve with bad technique.
You can work on this serve drill at the comfort of your own house. Thus, there should be no excuse to start taking action. Give it a go and see how you start building a solid serve technique in real time.
By Jeff Salzenstein, Founder Tennis Evolution
Jeff is a former top 100 ATP player and USTA high performance coach committed to helping players and coaches all over the world improve.
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Awesome tip ! Thank u !
Thanks, Matt!
Great tip
Thank you, Anil!
Hi Jeff,
Funny, last time I was on court I remembered the trophy position and how I did not do this. So I kept remembering it during the training and my serve improved in an instant. I have to work hard to make it consistent but I now know how to. Your tip is great and I must say on rec level at our club I don’t see too many lower ranking (like myself) players using this position.
HI Martijn, This is a great drill to be aware of to practice. I appreciate your willingness to try it.
This is a valuable suggestion. Anybody want to hit rockets? Your racket must be ready. This solves any tendency, for the server, to hang-fire the racket, after the toss.
Thank you, Bob! I really like this drill.
I’m rebuilding my serve and hope I can learn from these videos. I’m wondering is there a serve progression since each piece builds on the ones before it or do you work on each phase then work on putting it all together? Thanks, Dave
There is definitely a progression. You can check out my serve programs for help.