by Jeff | Blog, Video Lessons, Volley Lessons
This video will help you improve your backhand volley, and how it serves as a vital part of your success at the net. You will see how to use the back-to-front footwork pattern to maximize your backhand volley effectiveness. The title says it all. All you have to do is...
by Jeff | Blog, Forehand Lessons, LIVE!, Video Lessons
How would you like to improve your forehand, so you can beat “The Pusher’s”, against players that hit slice, slice-dice…. Over the years i see so many players struggling against these low slice balls on their forehand, but if you stay till the...
by Jeff | Blog, Serve Lessons, Video Lessons
Most tennis players copy Roger Federer’s style of pausing in the trophy position. Should you or should you not do it as well? In this this video, I will teach you the proper way in serving when doing the trophy position. You will learn the proper rhythm when doing...
by Jeff | Blog, Serve Lessons, Video Lessons
In today’s lesson i would like to discuss importance of shoulder turn on your serve. There are so many ways to serve, and i am sure all of you are having your own way of doing it, but today i would like to share what i believe is most efficient way of serve when...
by Jeff | Blog, Forehand Lessons, LIVE!, Return Lessons, Video Lessons
Live On Court Lesson | Forehand Return And Forehand Inside In If you missed this LIVE on YouTube, catch the replay here… Subscribe to my YouTube channel to get real-time updates: Follow Tennis Evolution: ======== Facebook:...